Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Puppy's 1st year - Starting out...

Remembering that puppies are babies, will help you to understand your dog.
A young puppy is just like a baby. This is easy to remember when your dog is little, but when he grows to be 75 pounds and is only 6 months old, this may be harder to believe. But dogs are really babies until they are about a year old. This doesn't mean they should get away with things. Dogs need routine and rules to follow to grow up right. Dogs should learn good manners and some obedience while they are puppies. Teaching them will always be easier while they're young.

It is VERY NORMAL for a young pup to chew, but he shouldn't chew on you! He will be chewing because he is getting new teeth, just like a human baby. When he tries to chew on you, give him toys and very large bones to chew on instead. A wet towel put in the freezer and frozen is good for your dog to chew on, if you supervise him. It helps your pup's gums feel better. When he 'bites' you, don't get mad, just have a bone or toy ready for him. Put it in his mouth and say, "Good boy!". This is very important. Too much discipline or harsh words at this age is not good.

The first year is the hardest year for dogs and for owners. The first year is the best time to start obedience training and teach your dog tricks, too. Dogs are like teenagers. They like to be very busy. They want to be adults, but aren't sure how. They might try adult things when they are too young to handle them.
Teach your dog everything you can think of. Your dog is probably very smart and needs things to do. Take him for lots of walks and play games. Spend as much time as you have learning how to train your dog. Your dog is ready to learn from the first day you get him.

Who's the Boss?
As your puppy grows up, he will need to know who is in charge. Who is making the rules? A pup will make up his own rules if no one is telling him what the rules are. Check out Who's the Boss for more information on teaching your dog the rules of the house.

What to do NOW:
Here are some very important things you should do
with your dog from a very young age.
Bathe your dog.
Brush your dog.
Trim his toenails.
Start socializing your pup as soon as he's had his shots.
Put a leash on him.
Brush his teeth (video).
Leave your pup alone for short periods of time (video).
While your young pup is eating, take away his food bowl, and then give it back.

Click on the ball to understand more about giving your dog a head start in good behavior!

Your dog is ready to learn when he is very young. Even puppies who are 10 or 12 weeks old can learn to sit and shake hands. At this age your teaching should be gentle and fun. Many trainers offer puppy classes for pups who are as young as 10 weeks old. This is great socialization where pups learn to play well with all kinds of other dogs.

Your puppy can start learning very early. But by 3-4 months old, you should plan on teaching him some fun commands and tricks. Make it fun! Don't be negative and discipline him too much. Your puppy will learn more if he enjoys the lessons. If you get frustrated, stop and play a game.

Teach him tricks and fun things. Take him lots of places and introduce him to lots of people.

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